What were you wearing?

Image result for rape meme


If you don’t remember these posts from social media, these was a backlash movement by MANY WOMEN against feminism. Personally I saw a lot of these on my facebook feed and even thinking about it makes me sick. Not only in today’s society are we fighting men thinking that women “asked for it” by the way they were dressed, but we also have women who argue the same. There was an art display and The University of Kansas titled “What were you wearing” to show that the women who were raped were wearing normal clothes. In addition, it should not matter what a woman is wearing if she was raped, it was not her fault.

Here is an example of some of the clothes in the exhibit.

They certainly don’t look like they were asking for it. These types of women make me sick, the ones who claim feminists are evil, man haters. The ignorant women who say they aren’t feminists because they don’t think they’re better than men.

If we are going to win any fights for women’s rights, we need women on our side, all women.