Feminists Hate Men?

This was a meme shared on social media during International Women’s Day. Feminism was not a topic thoroughly spoken about throughout my undergraduate degree and I had only somewhat been familiar with it before then. It wasn’t until reading an article in one of my intro classes last semester (my first semester of graduate school) that I began learning about what it means to be a feminist. I won’t lie, I had always heard the stereotype of feminists hating men, not that I believed it because I didn’t even understand the concept. However, I think this meme summarizes just how carried away people can get with stereotyping and generalizing without understanding a concept themselves. I could have easily pointed my finger and joined those people, yet I chose to understand the concept before feeling any kind of feelings towards it (and hey, I can’t say I am a feminist because I still have a lot more understanding to do.. but I can say I admire a lot of feminists whom I’ve read about and met throughout my time at ECU). Moral of the story is, I think people would be surprised at their own capabilities if they took a step back, stayed open-minded, and tried understanding concepts before shooting them down.