Can Video Vixens join the #MeToo Movement?

Cardi B, a female rapper, recently spoke out about the #metoo movement and its relation to hip hop. In this article she touched on video vixens being sexually harassed and shared her own experience. For those who do not know, video vixens are girls who appear in music videos. In society, video vixens are seen as “hoes”. People think that video vixens sleep around to advance their careers.  Cardi B mentions that when video vixens try to speak up about being sexually harassed, people think their opinions are not valid because of what they do. This essentially implies that because they’re video vixens, sexually harassment is a part of the job. This should not be the case. No matter the profession of a person, they should not endure sexual harassment. It should not be considered “part of the job”. I think this is common ideology people have when to comes to certain jobs for example, strippers. This is something we need to address as a society.