Utah to let women get birth control from the pharmacy

A new law was just passed in Utah to allow women to get birth control from a pharmacy instead of having to see the doctor every time they needed a prescription. The patient still needs to check in with the doctor every two years, but she will no longer have to visit the doctor every month for contraception.

This is a huge step for such a conservative state. The measure passed through the Legislature unanimously and was endorsed by several medical groups. Though Utah is a conservative state and a majority (60%) or the population is Mormon, the Church of Latter Day Saints believes that contraception is a private decision not to be controlled by the church (they are against abortion, however).

The same day that this legislation received approval, the governor signed another proposal that would cover the cost of IUDs for low-income women. As of right now, Utah is one of seven states that does not offer family planning to low-income women. This legislation would change that.

I personally believe that all women should have easy access to birth control. Seeing such a conservative state take such great strides to enhancing the lives of women gives me some hope that perhaps one day women can have easy access to family planning and contraception all over this nation. I think this is crucial, especially with the political war on Planned Parenthood right now… what are your thoughts?