Upcoming #MeToo Event and ECU Walk against Sex Trafficking

We hope all of you will try to participate in one or both of these events. The #MeToo event, which is part of Sexual Assault Prevention Month, will be held in Mendenhall on Monday, April 9th from 9-1:30. There will be three sessions on different topics with panelists and discussion, free lunch with a speaker, and after lunch, Tyler Beasley and Chelsea Cullen from Dr. Pearce’s class will facilitate a Me Too discussion. You need to register in advance but you can come for any or all sessions. We just need a head count, especially for lunch. Follow the link below. Afterward that afternoon there will be walk to stop human trafficking on campus (see below)

Register for the event or for individual sessions at http://bit.ly/MeTooECU

All students, faculty, staff, and community members are invited to attend.


Monday, April 9th, Trafficking Walk sponsored by Eastern North Carolina Stop Human Trafficking Now and the Elite Pirates; 4-6 p.m., April 9th. Goal is to raise awareness of human trafficking and its victims. Walk will start at top of College Hill and end at Mendenhall. A survivor will speak and there will be a raffle for fair trade products.https://orgsync.com/69127/opportunities/2319509/occurrences/554414