Are All Women in Power Positions Admirable?

“Gina Haspel’s dark past makes her a complicated figure for feminists to support.” – Emily Peck, HuffPost, 3/17/18

Emily Peck discusses Gina Haspel, nominated as head of the CIA by Trump, in her article on Huffington Post. According to Peck’s research, Haspel was the conductor for a torture/interrogation facility in Thailand. However, instead of taking responsibility for those actions, she has tried to hide them from the public.

Although it is awesome to see women in power positions, just because someone is a feminist, that does not mean they are pro-every woman’s actions. Feminists are allowed to disagree with women if they do not value their actions. Nevertheless, Peck uses quotes from some women discussing the issue. One of which talked about how some parties get confused if a feminist is not supportive of all women in power positions, as if they have to be merely because they are feminist. Peck emphasizes that feminists are for equality.

Peck also discusses the benefits of women in power and equality between men and women in the workforce, yet women could be held to higher standards when being assessed for a job. Although Haspel was associated with the torture/interrogation facility- would a man be called out for those same actions? It is important to judge men and women equally when it comes to these things, as Peck explains.
