Op ed on female mutilation

When you think of Female Mutilation you think of an awful practice that was practiced centuries ago. Unfortunately this terrible tradition is still being practiced in many countries girls are gulited and or either forced to go through this traumatic procedure. Female mutilation has no health benefit and only causes unnecessary pain to young woman. Some countries have stopped this terrible procedure, but many still perform it in secret.

Because female mutilation causes so much physical trauma to these woman many have a hard time using the bathroom, having unsatisfying intercourse and having painful births, many of these births are stillborn because its so hard to deliver a baby because of the scar tissue. Female mutilation obliviously has no positive effect on a young woman’s life, Many groups have taken action to end FGM. One group is called TOSTANS, this group focuses on educating people on their rights as humans and that they have the right to refuse FGM.

For the People that chose to participate learned a very basic problem-solving technique, those affected were able to asses their own personal needs and how to find solutions to their problems. The concerns of FGM/C and its effects were dealt with internally since problem solving had been taught. The effect to end female genital mutilation (FGM) focuses on the education of these parties involved. This helps young woman understand that they are their on person and if they don’t want to procedure done they have the right to refuse and that they should not feel guilty for choosing not to.

While its very important to inform females of the disadvantages of FGM it is also very  important to inform men as well. Having males in the program is very important, it is the males/leaders of the community that make the relevant decisions. In these communities many laws if not all are made by men. Many men think nothing of the actual female mutilation procedure, after being shown graphic pictures of FGM many men walked out this shows that even men who strongly believe in practicing FGM cant bare to see the unnecessary procedure they are forcing woman to go through.

Another way to help end FGM is to show these young woman have to be show there is another way of life. Like I said earlier many of the woman believe female mutilation is something that is right because of what their parents have instilled in them. These women have been told all their life that woman are seen as unclean if they are not mutilated and that they will never find a husband, basically know one will take care of them.These girls are taught at a very young age that they need a man. Encouraging these young woman to seek careers will give them more strength to resist FGM because they know they will not need a man to survive.

Female mutilation is a world wide issue. Many people forget that this is a dangerous that is killing young woman everyday. I hope in the near future there will be an improvement in these societies who normalize Female mutilation. We all should work together to help end FGM and not forget it just because its not happening around us.