Mass Killing in Florida Gay Nightclub Stirs Outpour of Grief and Horror


Overview of the article: Many probably recall hearing about this horrible incident on the news. 50 people were killed and 53 were injured after the horrific event that happened in Florida. Pulse nightclub, in Orlando, Florida, was targeted because of a horrible act of hate and terror. This club was attacked because the people inside identified as LGBTQ. Crimes such as these are protected by federal hate crimes.

Opinion: This incident reminded people that there is still a large amount of hate in the world for minorities and other groups. This horrible incident caused members of this group to come together and start supporting one another. Acts such as this one should not be happening. People have to start respecting each other’s life decisions. I do not understand what those people in the night club did to that man. So what if they do not practice the same sexual relations that he did? Did those people’s attitudes and behaviors affect him personally? I think not. We as people, need to start respecting each other decisions and life choices, even if we do not particularly agree with them. Hate crimes should not be tolerated and honestly should not be happening at all.

Questions for others: What are your thought on this? Yes, these crimes are wrong, but, do you think it is acceptable at all for people to be mad about thinks such as the LGBTQ community? Even if you are not part of the group, should you support their own decision to be?

-Bayleigh Adams