Oklahoma and Kansas Enact Anti-LGBT laws




The Governors of both Oklahoma and Kansas decided to sign a few laws stating that individuals working with state-funded adoption and foster care facilities can now express their religious views while determining the homes of these children in the system. Homosexual couples are shown to be six times more likely to foster children and four times more likely to also adopt these children due to the fact they cannot physically have their own. The states are putting their own interest in the children’s lives other than looking out for the children’s best interests in living a happy life. This is an example of LGBT discrimination that still happens today, even after all the work that has been put into nondiscrimination against LGBT individuals.


I personally cannot believe this myself. I thought the U.S. was growing and discovering that LGBT individuals are just like everyone else and should have the exact same rights. This is incredibly horrible for the kids in the system due to most foster parents and adopters happen to be homosexuals because of the lack of psychical capabilities of having their own children. This means that these kids that could have had a fantastic, safe home now have to wait for another (heterosexual) individual to find interest in fostering/adopting them. I believe that religious views should NEVER be brought into the work place, especially not this serious of one, due to this very fact. This just goes to show that not every state is moving forward, some are taking a few steps back.


Do you believe that religious views should be able to be used in the work place? Should LGBT individuals be able to foster/adopt these children? If not, why? Do you believe the state should be able to promote discrimination like this?


– Kendall Nelson