8 Women accuse Morgan Freemen of inappropriate behavior


Article Link:https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/24/entertainment/morgan-freeman-accusations/index.html


On Thursday, May 24, 2018 this shocking header came across my screen. Since it is related to what we are talking about in class I was immediately interested in reading more.

The article starts off by introducing a girl that thought she landed the job of her dreams in 2015. As it turns out, it says, she was introduced to months of harassment. She claims that on a daily basis she had unwanted comments about her clothing and inappropriate touching that she did not want. She claimed to let it go on a little bit, Freeman would try to lift up her skirt and she would just move away but eventually she spoke up and told him to stop. This goes along with what we have been discussing in class. It is okay to speak up for something that you do not want to happen. Even if this was the “job of her dreams”, something was happening that she was not comfortable with, and she spoke up and told him to stop. In addition to this women, other women, including producers, spoke up about the harassment they received from Mr. Freeman. In total, 16 different people spoke during the investigation of Morgan Freeman’s behaviors.

I am personally proud of all of these women for speaking out. My question for the class is, “Do you think it was easier or harder for these women to speak out against their harassment in their workplace since the offender happened to be a very famous man?” “Do you think people had a harder time believing them because he was so famous?”

These are questions I asked myself while reading the article. I bet it took so many people coming forward before people actually started believing it. I hate to admit it, but at first glance of the article, my initial thought was, “there is no way.” After reading it, and reading several different personal experiences, I have came to realize there should be no difference if the person is homeless or a million dollar movie star. Harassment is wrong and should be reported no matter what the circumstances are.