Blog post #3 13 Reasons why-> Season 2, why?

My blog today is going to be about the famous Netflix original called “13 reasons why”. This review article was written by Maria Sherman on last Friday. The new season was just released in May and it has critics talking about it all over again. This show gives real life examples of suicide, bullying, and sexual assault. This is related to our topic because sexual assault is being shown in this series a lot. There are a lot of people that feel like a show like this should not be a show because of the serious content that it shows. I disagree. I think that the audience and young teens and everyone that can understand the meaning behind the show should be able to watch the show. This show gives you real life situations without sugar-coding it and it is good for our young people in our society to be able to experience this. It is very important for everyone to understand these issues. My question is: Do you believe that this show should be a show?