Kate Spade’s Death


At the young age of 55, Kate Spade, was found hanged in her bedroom of her apartment by her house keeper. The fashion designer was struggling with depression and anxiety and in a statement made by her husband “She was working closely with doctors to treat her issues.” This is just another wake up call that we need to open up more dialogues about mental health issues. When the lead singer of Linkin Park, Chester Bennington, was also found after a suicide attempt, everyone on social media would talk about how we need to take more actions towards mental health issues and that we need to speak up about it more. But then after a week the dialogue disappeared. Now once again, with the unfortunate events with Kate Spade the same thing is happening again.

My question to you is what can we do to take more actions in helping those who have mental health issues? How can our society work together to help those in need?