8- year- old boy beaten and murdered because his parents thought he was gay.

On May 24th, 2013 a young 8-year-old boy died in a hospital because he was beaten for “possibly being gay”. This is something that happened in real life and the case against the mother and the mothers’ boyfriend was just settled and finished this week. The mother and boyfriend thought that the boy was gay because he played with dolls (reported and said by siblings of young Gabriel), they also said that the mother and boyfriend made him go to school in girl clothes. Gabriel’s teacher reached out to the authorities because he asked her one day if it was normal for his parents to beat him with a belt. Investigations were open and they were all concluded with no evidence. Gabriel’s mother and her boyfriend made Gabriel eat his own vomit, sit in a cabinet with a sock in his mouth to sleep some nights, shoot him with a BB gun, starve him knocked his teeth out with a baseball bat, and beat him. Gabriel’s mother called the police on May 22nd in 2013 and told them that her son fell and hit his head on his dresser. When the police arrived, they found Gabriel on the floor, naked, with a fracture skull, broken ribs, burns, and BB gun bullets stuck in his lungs. Two days later, Gabriel died in the hospital. The court has found the mother to be guilty in prison for life with no parol and found the boyfriend to be sentenced to the death penalty. The investigation of his death led into an investigation of the social workers who were in charge of his case. The court has filed against 4 different social workers because they falsified their records in regards to Gabriel. My question to you is: how could anyone do this to anyone let alone their own son? And then over something that should not even be an issue?
