Zimbabwe’s Women’s anti-poaching group

This is a short video from a report that BBC News did about an all women anti-poaching unit in Zimbabwe. There are quite a few articles that have been written about these ladies. Just a quick overview, there is a major problem with corruption amongst the men hired to protect animals in Zimbabwe against poaching, so Zimbabwe hired a man from Australia with elite military training to find/train a team to deal with the problem. His idea was to hire only women from local villagers that were either victims of domestic abuse, single mothers, or wives of men that are in prison for poaching. From there, he put them through a training program that was more rigorous than the training for men. The results have been extremely successful, with only 3 women dropping out. In fact, the reports say that the women have been incorruptible and better at de-escalating problems than their male counterparts. This program has also helped to stimulate the growth in the villages as the women are more apt to reinvest their earnings into their community.

What do you think of the results that this program has had? Should other areas try to start similar initiatives?