Perpetrator Wins House Primary


Overview: Archie Parnell, a man running for Congress this year has a history that caught some attention last year when he almost won a special election that would’ve lead to him replacing Representative Mick Mulvaney in the state’s deep red Fifth District. Something that Mr. Parnell didn’t mention to some of his team upfront though was the fact that he physically abused his wife in the 1970s, this caused him to lose support from his party. However, despite all of this Mr. Parnell feels like he shouldn’t be defined by his mistakes and believes that he is setting an example for people letting them know that everyone is capable of receiving second chances and that your mistakes shouldn’t hold you back.

Opinion: I don’t believe that Mr. Parnell should be allowed to have a chance to run for Congress. However, I believe people deserve second chances, but in his case, I feel like he was let off the hook too easily. Also, I personally believe that anyone who has inflicted any kind of abuse on someone doesn’t deserve to be an important public figure, America doesn’t need any more negative influences.

Questions: What is your opinion on this article? Do you think that Mr. Parnell should be allowed to run for Congress? Why or why not? Also, if you believe that Mr. Parnell should be allowed to run for Congress what do you think draws the line?