Sexual Assault at University of Nebraska

A 17 year old girl that attends the University of Nebraska was raped by a member of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity on the first night of classes. Once news of the rape spread throughout campus, students were outraged and began protesting. They stood outside of the Phi Gamma Delta house every night chanting “no means no” until the fraternity house was shut down. The fraternity responded by saying they take the allegations seriously and are ready to take action.

Phi Gamma Delta has a history of behavior like this so this is not the first time this has happened. The assault was described as being traumatic and the victim was in a sensitive state afterwards. I couldn’t even imagine what this girl is going through but knowing her entire community is showing her support warms my heart. This is not the first time sexual assault has occurred on a college campus and unfortunately it will probably not be the last. However, students like these are the reason we are being made aware of these terrible events occurring and receiving justice for the victim.