


Texas brings protection for employee sexual harassment. On September 1st Governor Abbot signed the Senate Bill 45 and House Bill. 21 which expanded sexual harassment protection for employees in Texas. Under Senate Bill 45 every employer may be held liable for sexual harassment claims under the Texas Labor Code.

This new law considers a employer as a person who (a) employs one or more employees (b) acts directly in the interest of an employer in relation to an employee. House Bill 21 relays that Texas employees will now have 300 days to file a complaint alleging sexual harassment prior to the previous 180 day deadline.

#Y’allToo: Texas Expands Protections for Employee Sexual Harassment

Texas taking initiative towards sexual harassment in the workplace shows that the voices of those victims are being heard, and change is slowly on the up rise. The negative I found on this specific article is that the Texas Labor Code does nit define “immediate and appropriate corrective action” which means it is more likely to be fact specific and addressed by Texas Courts. Many times the victims words turn against them in court and they begin to question themselves. Hopefully with these new laws Texan employers will think twice about their actions



2 thoughts on “#YallToo”

  1. I appreciated your play on #MeToo with the title of your blog post being “#YallToo”. It’s always good to include a witty or catchy title in any sort of creative endeavor or writing piece to draw the reader in and set your post a part from others by catching their eye—a sort of hook. A very clever blog title.

  2. I didn’t know this at all! I’m glad the deadline is extended because victims don’t always tend to immediately report these crimes. Now if only Texas can let women do what they want with their bodies…

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