Sexual Assault on College Campus

On a daily basis, a majority of people experience sexual harassment on college campuses. According to a survey (AAU 2019) there is a 13% rate of sexual contact at colleges that did not allow consent. Women are affected terribly by this, due to it being a higher number of women assaulted than men on campus. The sad truth is that a lot of women do not seek to tell anyone once it happens. This is due to them being scared, or even embarrassed. Some people feel as if they tell others, it could potentially happen again. It’s awful how it has become so common for people to be sexually harassed. Some do not even know that they are victims of sexual assault. Studies show that sometimes college students will get intoxicated at big events and get assaulted; and they would not know what happened the day after.

3 thoughts on “Sexual Assault on College Campus”

  1. I totally agree with this post! I actually did a similar post just like this. A lot of women are afraid to speak on being sexually assaulted because of the backlash they could get. Like you mentioned, being embarrassed or scared. Then also there is people telling them they are lying and not believing them.

  2. I agree with everything you said in this post. It’s sad how women are treated, and how they don’t feel like they can tell anyone about their assault. It’s also sad knowing that people might not believe them. I wish things were better on campus for women, but sadly, things like this still happen every day. Even at ECU sometimes.

  3. I agree with your post. I will just never understand how quickly people can be when it comes to shifting blame onto a victim, rather than directing that type of energy towards the actual perpetrator. It’s like people do everything in their power not to believe in the victim because they believe that women are just out to “ruin a man’s life” when the majority of the time they that is not always the case.

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