Gender Based Violence on College Campuses

Sexual Assault on college campuses is not a new topic for many undergraduate students to hear about. Going into college you were always told to be careful and look out for yourself and your friends because of what can happen in college. Studies show that among many undergraduate students, 26.4% of females and 6.8% of males experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence, or incapacitation. 5.8% of students have experienced stalking since entering college. Women are shown to be victims of gender based violence the most in college. In this article, it talks about how colleges deal with sexual assault reports, the victims and their statistics. This article also goes into depth about the laws in place and what colleges should do more for their victims.

8 thoughts on “Gender Based Violence on College Campuses”

  1. I really like this post, and I appreciate you posting it. Me and a friend were actually followed last weekend after leaving the club. The guy talking to us was telling us how pretty we were, and asking if we wanted to go to dinner. We just played it off by pretending to call a friend and walking to my dorm. We saw that he was starting to walk behind us, so we started running. It was a weird experience, but I’m just glad I was with someone.

    • Wow, I am so sorry that a situation like that had happened to you and your friend over the weekend. It is just honestly sad, to think that all you guys had probably wanted, was to have a good time, relax, and just enjoy yourselves, and then it gets ruined because you were being followed by a guy that couldn’t take the hint that you didn’t want to be associated with him. I am just glad that both you and your friend are safe. I can’t even begin to imagine how I would cope after a situation like that.

  2. I’m so glad that you mentioned men also experience sexual assault! I feel it seems to be a very overlooked topic because society always deems men as the perpetrators.

  3. I’m glad that you brought this to everyone’s attention! Especially mentioning that it can happen to men too. Also, it’s crazy to see the percentages as well, thank you for including them it really helps with visualizing how big this issue is.

  4. This article shows how prevalent rape is on college campuses. You really do not hear much about it on the news or in the media because many universities do not even take the victims seriously. It is like, yes we hear you, but we are not going to do anything about it.

  5. I enjoyed reading your post and the article, it was very interesting to know about the percentages of sexual assault and what some colleges have done to lower the numbers. In my opinion, it was nice to see that colleges are trying to combat the number of sexual assault cases, but it makes me wonder if the percentages could be lowered much more significantly. For example, the article stated how colleges had incorporated prevention programs revolving around sexual assault, which showed a slight decrease in sexual assault cases. But what if colleges made these programs mandatory and if anyone who was to be accused of and then proven of sexually assaulting someone would immediately be penalized for their crimes because now there’s evidence that they had taken a sexual assault prevention course. This just makes me wonder if colleges implemented this tactic, could sexually assault cases on college campuses decrease significantly?

    It was also interesting to read/see in your own post, that you had included the percentage of men being victims of sexual assault because in our society these types of cases are often overlooked and even at times the male victims are ridiculed of because of it.

  6. I’m happy you brought this up because it isn’t talked about enough. My freshman year, my roommate and I were followed but some guy in a car and he wanted to get our numbers and was wanted us to get in his car and stuff and wouldn’t take no for an answer. Thankfully, after we said we would call the police, he drove off but you never know what could of happened if things took a different turn.

  7. Building off of what I commented on “The Male Gaze” post, this issue will unfortunately be a reoccurring cycle until the behavior is de-normalized. With social media pages, television, and magazines constantly setting unrealistic standards, it is no surprise this behavior is tolerated. It is so frustrating to hear that out of all sexual assaults on college campuses, only ~20% are reported. Every perpetrator, man or woman, must be held accountable for the actions they commit!

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