R. Kelly is Facing Life in Prison

You might be familiar with the name R. Kelly as he is famous for producing many R&B hits. He is now also known for racketeering and sex trafficking as he was convicted and found guilty of these charges. His conviction on all nine counts against him was a noteworthy accomplishment for the Me Too movement. According to this article, the abuse of these women started in the early 1990s and has just been discovered. We believe this is due to the network he had during this time with no intervention from the people involved. Apparently Kelly used a “settlement factory” to keep his accusers quiet by paying the women he abused. This whole situation is very disturbing and shocking as to how long this has been going on. I am glad these women will be receiving the justice they deserve and R. Kelly will be receiving the sentence he deserves.

5 thoughts on “R. Kelly is Facing Life in Prison”

  1. This is important information to consider for your course papers. Although we are focusing on the structural barriers that exist in our institutions that silence the survivors, there is also the “agency” of individuals and networks of individuals that cover up the abuses. How do those collaborate together?

  2. The R. Kelly case was deeply disturbing. I watched a documentaries with the victims of his abuse and so many people knew what he was doing. It is shocking that so many people blindly loved him and his music, even when releasing songs like “age ain’t nothing but a number”. Why didn’t anyone question him sooner?

  3. I am so glad to see his case covered considering his case is terrifying knowing it is a entire Netflix documentary about it. I think my question would be when R.Kelly was married to singer Aaliyah, the entourage that was around her, why didn’t they speak about how he was flirtatious with her even before they became engaged? I know it was probably seen but it does seem weird to me how the people around both him and her just let it slide..

  4. Yes!! I am glad that the women that suffered at the hands of his abuse are getting the justice that they deserve because I believe that just because you are a celebrity or someone famous, they shouldn’t be able to get away from the crimes they have committed against others. I also think that anyone else that was involved with him and knew about his situation with the women should also be punished/ held accountable for allowing the abuses to continue for such a long time. Hopefully, in the future, we get to see more victims who were abused by celebrities get the justice that they deserve.

  5. It’s sad that a good amount of people seemingly knew what R. Kelly was doing to young girls long before his arrest. Nevertheless, I am thankful that he is facing the consequences of his horrific actions and hopefully the victims of his continued abuse will find peace. R. Kelly had far too much success for the crimes he was committing behind the scenes.

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