Blog Entry Oct 11th

An article that stood out to me was, No Justice No Freedom: Medical Abuse in Private Prisons. Across the country there is Immigration Detention. [ninja_form id=]Immigration Detention holds immigrants with suspected violations of Visas , or in general is the term used for holding illegal immigrants. In these Immigration Detention Centers across the country, women are being treated improperly medically. There have been stories of invasive and painful gynecological exams that have left women suffering for days after the procedure. Women were given improper medical treatment during pregnancy and experienced horrendous child births. According to the article, the complaint of malpractice in immigration detention centers first made the national news a year ago. The congress was then forced to get involved, however nothing has changed in that year. Even more reports on medical abuse on women have been reported but it seems no one cares. Infact, U.S. Immigration and Customs enforcement have known about the medical abuse being done since 2018 and have done nothing to stop the medical abuse going on in immgration detention.

Some people may argue that since they are illegal it should not matter how they are getting treated , however that is completely wrong. The United States has an obligation to protect women’s health that are kept in detention and it is clearly stated in the constitution. This makes one wonder why nothing is being done. Could it be that those with the highest power are dismissing it based on their own biased beliefs? This article ties back to a common theme of congress not doing their job in protecting women’s rights, and getting away with it. It is concerning to see that the people with the most power in our nation cant or wont help us, because if they wont help these women, who will?