Rise in Domestic Violence due to Covid

Efforts to stop the spread of the coronavirus have led to higher rates of domestic abuse, creating dangerous environments for women in unfortunate circumstances. The danger increases the longer stay-at-home orders remain in place. As families spend more time together, domestic abuse also increases. While experts predicted the spike in domestic violence, governments failed to prepare for this crisis and now they must address the crisis.

The increase in domestic violence is a worldwide issue. Emergency hotlines everywhere are blowing up with domestic violence reports. Spain experienced an eighteen percent increase in calls during the first two weeks of lockdown. There has been a nationwide spike of about 30 percent in domestic violence. Countries are making efforts to combat the issue. For example, Spain, France, and Italy have turned vacant hotel rooms into shelters for women who are experiencing domestic abuse. 

The article discusses the stories of two women. The first woman was beaten by her husband with a high chair while she was holding their baby. She lost feeling in her legs and fell to the ground. Her leg was covered in bruises. Because she and her husband were forced to be in the house due to covid guidelines, their confrontation became more and more frequent and more and more intense. The second woman’s partner requires constant surveillance and controls every aspect of her home life and being stuck in quarantine has only made it worse. The article goes on to compare how abusers control their partners to how kidnappers treat hostages. Clearly, physical violence is not the only form of violence in abusive relationships. Control and isolation are also a big part of intimate partner violence and stay-at-home guidelines have made it easier for abusers to control their partners.

There are several factors working against women who want to seek help. Covid guidelines have made it harder for women to find help and escape their abusers. Isolation makes it even harder for victims to get help. Police do not take action when called for help. Women cannot go to shelters due to the risk of infection. Divorces have been postponed due to covid and finding a new home is not possible, so how are these women supposed to get help and escape their abuse?

