Women’s rise in political positions

Despite the rough and difficult time that women have had in politics they have persevered and for their determination to face the odds and against the unfair system they’ve been placed in. Women are serving in more government positions than ever and are making waves in the political landscape. According to the article I’ve chosen in both the House of Representatives as well as the Senate 144 out of the 539 seats are currently held by women a record number in all of American history. These records numbers are poised to keep climbing as time goes on and more women get involved in politics. The rise of women has been a long time coming with the history of women being a long road of many trials beginning in 1916 with Jeannette Rankin becoming the first ever woman elected in to congress. Since then women like four time speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi who is a huge influence for many women. From the looks things have been getting better and will only continue to do so for women in these political positions.

A record number of women are serving in the 117th Congress

1 thought on “Women’s rise in political positions”

  1. Thanks for this good news! And also we now have a few cabinet-level leaders who are gay, trans, indigeneous, etc.

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