The harassment women face in the gaming

Society has always had problem with its mistreatment of women. And this problem is especially exemplified in spaces that are primarily seen as male dominated. Gaming is one such male dominated space where women are constantly being abused fro no other reason than the fact that they are female. This article that I’ve found states that over 50% of women hide their gender when playing online games in order to avoid being harassed and over 70% had had experienced some kind of discrimination due too their ender while gaming. These are absolutely terrible statistics and yet ones that I can’t help but believe due to the nature of many people I’ve met while playing online games. These statistics also, I feel, reflect a societal problem that we have even to this day of creating toxic environments for people who want to do something culture has views as “not normal” for them to do. Women have been playing games since their inception yet are only now starting to be more accepted and normal used in these male dominated spaces as more women are showing up in competitive and developmental position in gaming. This trend of women being more accepted and participating in even more so important parts of gaming is one that I hope continues to be on the rise.

4 thoughts on “The harassment women face in the gaming”

  1. Great blog entry! I agree that this has always been a problem in society. You made a great point about gaming. I never though of gender based violence from that perspective. Good job!

  2. I never knew that women were mistreated when it comes to gaming. I’m glad you’re bringing awareness to this issue. It’s good that things are starting to change.

  3. I also never knew that women were being mistreated while gaming. I knew that some women hid their gender, but I didn’t know that this was the reason for that. It’s sad that women can’t even game with being mistreated and insulted.

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