Blog Post 10/25/21

Dr. Pearce invited us to share articles that touched on the topics that we chose for our final paper, so the article that I will be discussing today relates to sexual abuse within the Catholic church. In June of this year, it was announced that from 1950 to the present day, French Catholic Clergymen had abused over 216,000 children. Around 80 percent of those abused children over the years were male. Along with the knowledge about the abuses within the church, there was also a 2,500-page document that revealed how the church had systemically covered up each abuse. Not only is horrific that clergymen were abusing so frequently but around 3,000 of the priests/clergymen were working during this time and could have put an end to their sexual scarring of these young individuals. What sickens me is that this is not only a problem with French clergymen in the Catholic church but is a systemic “joke” and known fact that Catholic church clergymen around the world assault young boys. Because of actions like this, I have chosen to devote my paper to where and why this type of disgusting sexual abuse is stemming from specifically Catholic clergymen (though I know it occurs within other churches as well).

1 thought on “Blog Post 10/25/21”

  1. I think this is a great topic for your research paper! It is heart breaking to see the extent in which the church went to cover up these cases. It makes me sick! This is a topic that people do not talk about enough and there is such a big power imbalance in these situations.

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