Black Femicide in the United States

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This article discusses the issue of Black women and girls being killed at an increasing rate in the United States. It was noted that according to statistics released by the FBI, that approximately four black women and girls are murdered each day in the United States. It was also reported that there was approximately four hundred and five black women and girls killed last year, however, it is expected that this number was undercounted.

Violence against black women and girls are often times ignored or not taken seriously. It is upsetting that black women and girls make up a great number of the population in the United States, however, violence against these women are not taken seriously. There are two issues that are the cause of this dismissal, sex and race. Black women have a three times higher rate of homicide than white women. The article also noted that most women who were murdered, were killed by their partner or someone they knew.

3 thoughts on “Black Femicide in the United States”

  1. That is deeply upsetting that 4 Black women & girls are murdered each day in the US. I wonder what is the number of Black women and girls killed last year if that original number was undercounted. I also wonder what measures is our government taking in order to make that number go down.

  2. I agree that violence against black women/girls is being ignored or not taken seriously. This world is such a sad world that we live in. I hope that we can soon solve the problem and we can live in a happier world. I’m afraid it will be a long time before that happens, though.

  3. It really is a sad issue. Society needs to do better about addressing black femicide especially since its so common. Great job on the post.

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