Needle Spiking In UK????????

While searching for a topic to write about in this blog post I came across an article that actually blew my mind about a recently surfacing method of attack towards women in the UK. In this article, they describe the experience 18-year-old Lizzie Wilson had during a night out with her friends in Nottingham England. last week while Lizzie was in a nightclub with her friends she felt a sharp pinch in her back and a few minutes later she was having a hard time standing up. before things got any more serious she was able to tell her friends and they took her to a hospital where she spent hours without feeling in her legs and was disoriented. the number of reports similar to this incident may be small compared to other forms of spiking however there are currently 12 reported instances like this in Nottinghamshire alone being investigated which is still far too many. so far there haven’t been any instances of sexual assault linked to these attacks that we know of, but neither has there been any reported arrests for injecting someone.


article I came across:

2 thoughts on “Needle Spiking In UK????????”

  1. That is honestly so frightening! We already must watch our drinks when we are at bars or a club, but this?! It is so scary to think that we could be drugged like this as well. What kind of world are we living in now? Thankfully she was with friends that cared about her wellbeing and took her to a hospital.

  2. I read about this last week and saw multiple stories of girl with similar experiences. I was shocked when I learned what is now a tool to drug women in public settings. As women we are taught to never leave our drinks unattended and to watch it be made at the bar when someone offers to buy you a drink, but I never thought needles would be added to that list. I hope they can get some answers as to what is being injected into these young women and hopefully put it to an end.

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