Protesting at Howard University

     I was scrolling on twitter the other day when I came across a tweet pertaining to the recent events that are taking place at Howard University; located in Washington, D.C. I eventually came across an article that addressed some of the major concerns of the students as well as Alumni. As protests continue for the third week, students report poor living conditions that the leaders of the HBCU has yet to properly address. There has been reports of rodents, pests, flooding, and mold. Some of the more disturbing reports were those that explained students experiencing COVID-like symptoms and coughing up blood due to inhaling mold.
     As students continue to gather in what may grow to be inclement weather, they constantly demand for the President of the university to address the students himself. Some alumni also spoke out pertaining to a letter that was sent out about the current issues. Alumni also said that some of these issues have been going on for years with no action taking place. They basically warn students that Howard is known for letting students express themselves and demand action until the situation dies down. Students have also received emails threatening expulsion before the university released a statement saying they would look into these issues. No should have to live in such unfair conditions. These students are paying thousands of dollars to attend Howard and are constantly being overlooked. Recently, the university held their homecoming events as they normally would. All while students are still sleeping in tents outside; waiting for better living conditions.

1 thought on “Protesting at Howard University”

  1. Wow, I’m surprised that I haven’t heard about this sooner. Howard is such a notable school that I’m surprised they just wait to see how much they can get away with. Hopefully something will change soon, but it’s sad that the people that have already graduated have only experience college under these poor conditions.

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