Violence against Indigenous women

Indigenous women experience a lot of terrifying dangers, often for no reason other than their race and culture. Currently 4 out of 5 American Indian and Alaska Native women have experiences abuse and 1 out of 2 have experienced sexual abuse. Domestic violence rates are up to ten times higher for the Alaskan native women than the rest of the United States. Many of these women never get justice, they never see their abusers go to jail, it just goes away for these men when the women are left to deal with the trauma. The statists in this article show how important it is to fight for Indigenous women, they need advocates and even for when they can’t safely advocate for themselves. Where women in general had a dangerous life, women of other races and cultures have it worse than a white female. These women are hated mainly for their skin by outsiders, but many of the abusers they encounter are from their own tribe. More awareness needs to happen so that we can make their own culture something that they don’t have to fear.

1 thought on “Violence against Indigenous women”

  1. Thank you Lauren. Glad you got in!

    This is important–both internal and external community barriers. And problems with impunity when the crimes are committed.

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