Loundoun County students walk out of class in protest after sexual assault

Students that attended the schools, Stone Bridge, Broad Run, and Riverside decided that they wanted to participate in a school walk out about a sexual assault incident that occurred  at Stone Bridge High School. The recent incident involved a boy dressed as a girl (with a skirt) that sexually assaulted a girl in the girl’s bathroom. He was found guilty for this incident this past Monday. In relation, kids all throughout Loundoun County chose to attend the walk out. Once the girl’s father, Scott Smith, found out about the situation he chose to file a lawsuit against the school. When this decision was about to be made, Mr. Scott attended a school board meeting, when he suddenly had an outburst towards the Loundoun County school, because of their intent of covering up the whole sexual assault case. He was then arrested after it took place. He and others stated how the school covered up this sexual assault case, just like they wanted to cover up another sexual assault case the boy was involved in at another school in Loundoun County. Friends and families of these schools found the “heartfelt” email from the principal/super intendant to be disrespectful towards them since they came out to say how they covered up the sexual assault cases that took place. They most importantly found out it was harming towards the students that they wouldn’t let anybody know about the incident, also still letting the kid attend school not knowing who the next victim could have been.

