Abercrombie and Fitch marketing padded tops to young girls

Abercrombie and Fitch has started making padded bikinis for young children. I pose the question how young is too young? Critics are saying that these swimsuits are “pushing the kids to grow up early” and negatively attacking A&F for this new clothing line. It is my belief that this is just another sign that society is pushing the ideal body image on children younger and younger. Why would parents want their 8 yr-old daughters dressing like they are 16? This is not the first time A&F has been accused of “sexualizing” prepubescent girls. In 2002 the store began selling thongs for the same clientele. Where do we draw the line? How young is too young these days? 

Food for thought: Who is to blame in this situation? The stores who sell the clothes or the parents who buy/allow their children to wear the clothes?  
