Muslim Man Found Guilty of Beheading his Wife in NYC

Mr. Hassan is the founder of a cable television network aimed at combating negative Muslim stereotypes in America. He was found guilty of decapitating his wife after she filed for divorce and threatened to take their children from him. There was also a history of domestic violence in the family. There are several interesting cultural aspects at play with this article, including his lawyers defense which included saying that she had threatened to “embarrass” him and take his children, and that ultimately he was in “fear for his life.” The issue of domestic violence in this country and all over the world is staggering (“the police had been called to the home several times on domestic violence calls…no arrests ever made?”) and the sad fact that women are most likely to be killed by a partner/former partner. Also interesting are the comments, which are quick to point the fingers at the fact that they were Muslim. – Lenna