Untested Rape Tests, Is This Really the Problem?

Hey everyone, I came across this story in womensenews.org called Most Rape Cases Are About Consent, Not DNA. It discusses the current findings of untested rape kits in Texas and how this has caused an outcry by feminists. The problem is that the untested rape kits really aren’t the main problem. Most girls that are raped know the people who did it. The problem is the idea of consent. Studies show that victims are often blamed for the man’s crime when they are taken to court, and only 2 percent of rapists may spend a day behind bars.

The problem is not the untested rape kits it is the fact that women’s bodies as well as their rights are being abused by men and the courts are not holding the men accountable. All that these untested rape kits do is take our focus off the main issue. Not only that, these rape kits violate the rights of the victim who has already been through a traumatic experience and they are almost never useful. The victim may consent but would not be told the total possible consequences that can arise such as evidence that is found such as HIV or DNA from personal relationships that can be used against her in a trial. For those rape test kits that were not tested the victims are more than likely better off.

This article hits a spot with me because I have had seen up close and personal how ineffective rape kits are. I believe that the process of having to go to the hospital and have to explain to multiple healthcare workers why you are there is just adding insult to injury. Sadly this is one of the only options women have and it is mainly ineffective. It is a true understatement that something needs to be done to help rape victims bring their attackers to justice in a way that does not violate their rights.