17 Victims Sue Pentagon Over ‘Plague’ of Sexual Violence

See this brave group of women who are suing the Pentagon over a culture that seems to condone or cover up rape and sexual harrassment:

17 Victims Sue Pentagon Over ‘Plague’ of Sexual Violence

Within the text is this: “The lawsuit cited the Pentagon’s own statistics that reported 3,230 rapes and other sexual assaults in 2009. Because the military acknowledges that 80 percent of victims don’t report the crime, the real number may be more than 16,000.”

I have a question about this. We have been learning more about how rape is used as a weapon of war in situations of ethnic cleansing as well as by soldiers who know that it can strike fear in a whole community and therefore give them control. Can we do a thought experiment to link this strategy to the use of sexual assault within a military establishment to control its women soldiers / employees?   — Susan Pearce