Honor killings in the United States


This article is a couple months old but since we recently discussed honor killings I felt it was relevant. This is a case of honor killing in the Arizona in which a Iraqi man killed his daughter and injured his daughter’s boyfriend’s mother because his daughter had become too “westernized”. Noor Almaleki refused to enter into an arranged marriage when she was 17 and then moved into her own apartment at 19. She got a job but ended up quitting because her parents harassed her at work. In 2009 she moved in with her boyfriend and his parents. Her father tracked her down and ran her and her boyfriend’s mother down with his car then fled the country. Noor survived in a coma for 2 weeks before dying. The mother survived. After Noor’s father was caught in London, he pled not guilty to first-degree murder and attempted first-degree murder. He was convicted of second-degree murder in February.

The AIFD is outraged at this and feels that anything less than a first-degree murder charge strikes a serious blow towards efforts to do away with misogynistic ideologies which manifest in ways such as honor killings against the rights of women in Islam.