India’s Surrogacy Bloom

I apologize if this story has already been posted (I checked the website but so much stuff gets posted that it’s hard to keep up). This story talks about how surrogacy has been legal in India since 2002, and how poor women become surrogate mothers to try to supplement their husband’s income.  Hundreds of women are now doing this, which is problematic for as of yet there are no laws or government oversight on surrogacy.  India is ideal for surrogacy because of its low costs, and modern assisted reproductive techniques.

There is debate, however, about how much surrogacy really helps the women. They may be treated poorly by the clinics; an example provided is coercion into repeated insemination. Surrogate mothers may also experience social ramifications, as they may be ostracized by their communities. Additionally, India already has one of the worst maternal mortality rates.  Currently, the Indian Counsel of Medical Research has drafted a bill to govern surrogacy, but it will take some time to become law.


-Melanie Hamilton