VP Biden Gives Emotional Speech About Sexual Violence Against Women

I had the opportunity the other morning to catch Vice President Joe Biden’s speech live on the internet regarding sexual violence against women, especially on our college campuses. He gave a very emotional appeal regarding how universities often treat the issue, and plead openly with the young men in the audience and all over the country to learn to respect women and to learn that “no means no”…no matter what. He gave several emotional examples of young women who were survivors of sexual assault, and how they faced second victimization from their friends, families, schools and society. He implored that violence against women in this country (as well as all over the world) is, and has been, at endemic levels, and that for too long it has been regarded as a “personal” issue that should be handled within the family, and how women and girls who are sexually assaulted are too often blamed for what has happened, especially in the court system. He discussed President Obama’s The White House’s Commission on the Status of Women and Girls and how it will continue to do great things if given the chance. I am extremely thankful that Biden gave this speech and gave it the emotional pull that this issue desperately needs, especially within the government.
