Supply and Demand

This article explores how the United States is (very) slowly waking up to something that was realized in Sweden long ago (and was proven to work!)…that in order to truly combat the commercial sex trade (both consensual and non-consensual) they must penalize the demand and not the supply. In short, the johns and not the prostitutes. The author discusses the fairly new phenomenom of “John Schools” which teach mean who engage in transactional sex the harsh realities of prostitution. While research has shown that being sentenced to John School was less of a deterant than the “public shaming” route (i.e., posting their name and photo in the local paper or on a billboard), it is an important step in the right direction for states to realize that in order to shrink the supply, you must attack the demand. Along with these legal steps have also come legislation in Illinois that protects minors involved in the sex trade from legal punishment, an issue that has been grossly ignored. My hope is that one day, the U.S. will follow in Sweden’s footsteps and make an actual difference in the lives of millions of young girls who are trafficked here to fill the demand for sex. – Lenna Jones