NY Mets Pitcher Climbs Mountain to Help Female Victims of Sex Trafficking

NY Met’s pitcher,R. A. Dickey, is climbing Mount Kilimanjaro to raise awareness for the Bombay Teen Challenge. Since 1990, Bombay Teen Challenge has worked to rescue and rehabilitate destitute and desperate people living on the streets and in the red light district of Mumbai. These include women trapped in prostitution through sex trafficking, their at-risk daughters andother girls vulnerable to the sex industry. As the father of two daughters, ages 9 and 8, Dickey said that when he learned of the conditions in Mumbai he immediately thought of how he would feel if his own daughters had to endure them. So he is partnering to help raise funds and awareness for this organization. Many times when we read about the horrors of sex trafficking, we feel helpless to make a difference. Dickey’s efforts show that there are many ways to contribute to the cause. Everyone can’t work directly with the women affected but helping to bring attention to a problem and funding to an organization that is effective can be very important.