Congolese women graduate from rape survival class

Eastern Congo residents, including men and boys as, well as women, have faced violent rapes for many years by armed rebels who roam the hills and sometimes force chunks of wood and guns into their victims.

In Bukavu,  gender violence survivors can enter into a program called the City of Joy for six months which includes: group therapy, dance classes, theater, self-defense, and sex education in order to help them recover from years of violence and abuse that Eastern Congo residents face on a daily basis by armed rebels. The program is run by V-Day, a global movement to end violence against women and girls and was founded by Eve Ensler, the playwright and author of “The Vagina Monologues.” The program was created and developed by women on the ground, and their motivation is to turn these women’s pain into power.

It is an amazing movement by these women and if you would like to learn more, visit their site at: