Oppression of Islamic Women?

In my Global Understanding Anthropology class, we began discussing Islam.  Included in this discussion was the controversy of Muslim women wearing ‘veils’.  A common belief is that it is oppressive to women to wear niqabs or burqas and that they are forced to do so.  However, many women wear the coverings by choice, as a form of expression.  Here is an interview with one women stating why she chooses to wear her veil http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tu9AdvDaLmA&feature=relmfu.

Recently, France banned women from wearing burqas in public http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwdhydKzb5c.  A burqa is the full body covering, and France is claiming that it is a form of enslavement.  Women who disobey this law are subject to a fine.  Not only are the women fined, but their husbands and/or fathers may face an even heavier fine, as well as possible imprisonment for forcing a woman to wear a burqa.  Canada is also attempting to pass such a law.

While I agree that men should not force women to wear anything against their will, women should have the freedom to choose what to wear.  Is it not equally oppressive to women to ban them from wearing a veil, especially if they choose to wear it for their own personal religious beliefs?  Some denominations of Christianity believe that women must wear skirts.  How is wearing a burqa or other Muslim covering any more oppressive than only being ‘allowed’ to wear skirts or dresses?