Reading suggestion by classmate

After reading the “fictional” perspective of Jewish famly during early years of Iranian Revolution, here is an account of Baha’i persecution (Septembers of Shiraz):

Olya’s Story (1993)

By Olya Roohizadegan

Olya's StoryOlya is a Baha’i woman from Shiraz, Iran who was sent to prison at the beginning of Iranian revolution in 1979 solely because she is a practicing Baha’i. After miraculously being released from prison, Olya wrote this autobiography in order to fulfill a promise she made to herself and to nine young women who had been killed. This book tells a true story of events; its heroes and heroines were ordinary people living ordinary lives until the course of events brought them face-to-face with choices that few of us are ever asked to make. The choices they made changed the course of their lives and, consequently, the lives of countless others who have heard their stories.