Miss Representation

As many of you have noticed, the media has the tendency to portray women and girls in a way that emphasizes physical beauty above all else and shows them as sexual and promiscuous creatures that aim to please the male viewers .  I have visited a website that challenges these ideas and aims to educate the public of how the portrayal of females in the media is harmful to all women. This website  is called Miss Representation and  it is also an organization that has created a film  to explain why and how the media portrayals of women and girls are harmful and what one can do to help. I think this is a problem world wide and believe that if women were to be depicted as strong, courageous, capable, and not focusing on the physical body, women would be more respected and would have more opportunities to make changes in this world. As they state in the website, one cannot become something that they cannot see. If we are constantly shown images of frail, sexy women, we find it harder to view women for their true strengths and accomplishments.

To seek more information or to take the pledge please visit: http://www.missrepresentation.org