While browsing HuffPost, I found a short article informing Hip-Hop fans of Lord Jamar’s (of the crew Brand Nubian) choice disk track aimed at Kanye West. Speaking from a sole point of view, it would seem that the greatest of disrespects would be in slandering another person’s character. But in this case, Lord Jamar (or Jamar, as I will refer to him, because I can’t bring myself to address a man of such content by the prefix he demands) attacks what some would consider the jugular of a man, which in my opinion is quite diluted and mediocre. He confidently refers to him using homophobic slurs and comments on his choice “feminine” attire. My natural response to this would be anger and disgust, that Jamar is on the “come-up” because of the ways in which he chooses to express his views. And, in some way, I’d like to feel a bit of empathy for Kanye West, that he constantly must fend off the criticism of the way in which he expresses gender.

So, on behalf of the progressive HipHop community, Jamar, I have this to say. Do better. Come harder. Kanye West is still winning, in his black leather skirt and see-through blouse. And you, my friend, are riding his coattail.