Seperation of men and women

In reading Half the Sky we see many extreme acts of violence taken against women by men. In these acts it is shown that these cultures have greatly different separations between men and women. Men as viewed as superior while women as seen as secondary and inferior. In is through these perceived cultural differences that violence is allowed to continue against women in these societies. With this in mind the article I am posting further shows a culture where they are continuing the backwards trend of cultural and physically divining men and women. Saudi Arabi and their use of Sharia law is one area that pushes the divide between men and women to the extreme. Now the Saudi government has ordered shops that employ both men and women to set up separation walls to not only socially but physically divide the sexes as they work. What are your thoughts about this issue? While we do not have an state policy dividing sexes in occupation, don’t we have a cultural one? How many occupation can you think of that are associated with masculinity and femininity that cultural segregate the other sexes?

Cory Banks
