Lesbians Must Shape the Agenda Before It Gets Away

In her article Dr. Lori Sokol discusses that although there have been many strides in GLBT rights across the nation, there are particular issues that affect lesbians and they should be aware. Firstly Dr. Sokol speaks about the Komen foundation defunding breast cancer screening for Planned Parenthood, then consequently reversing the decision because of public outcry. This is important because lesbians have an increased risk of breast cancer. Secondly Dr. Sokol challenges the community to make sure in LGBT studies that the history of women is not forgotten because of the male dominance in the field. Finally, Dr. Sokol informs about the Out Professionals group that includes women, and how those women need to be heavily involved in policy making. I think it is interesting that even in the LGBT community women still must fight against male domination and are a subset within an already marginalized group. Women must stay vigilant regardless of their sexual orientation, but especially those who are marginalized because of race, sexuality, or class.

Marianne Hines