University Of North Carolina Routinely Violates Sexual Assault Survivor Rights, Students Claim

There are two articles I found pertaining to this issue. The Huff Post article goes into detail about how UNC is violating all sorts of laws. The first victim Andrea Pino suffered from PTSD after being assaulted at a party, and the school refused to let her withdraw medically.

Landen Gambill reported to the honor court that her abusive ex-boyfriend was stalking her. She had to tell the court intimate details about the relationship, and the court then sent all of the information to her parents, whom she had not told and in direct violation of the law. According to the yahoo news article the school is now charging Landen with an honor court violation for speaking out on social media about how she was basically ignored.

Pino, Gambill, and Annie Clark along with 64 other sexual assault victims are filing a formal complaint saying the university violated the sexual assault victims bill of rights, clery act, FERPA, title IX, the civil rights act, and the Americans with disabilities act.

I would like to know why the honor court was handling sexual assault cases in the first place? This is a criminal matter and the university police should be handling, not ill-equipped students with no knowledge of the law or victim counseling. These articles reminded me of the chapters about rape kits, and sexual assault in the book. Why do we continue to blame the victim, protect the abuser, file charges against the victim for speaking out, and ignore the larger issue of sexual assaults on college campuses? Maybe this will be a wake up call for other colleges and universities in the UNC system, and nationwide to take a stand against sexual assault and other violence against women on their campuses.