A Jordanian Entrepreneur’s Impact on Education, the Workforce, and Society

This article highlights the accomplishments of Randa Ayoubi the founder of Rubicon. Ayoubi wanted to bring multimedia learning to children, and traveled back to her native Jordan and started the company to combat the lack of teachers and poverty in rural communities. The author Tae Yoo explains how Ayoubi is a great example of how women’s lives around the world have improved. According to Yoo “gender gaps in primary education have closed in almost all countries. And over the last 30 years, more than half a billion women have joined the world’s labor force. Progress has been made in other areas as well, such as formal rights and constitutional guarantees for women.”Ayoubi started her company with only two employees, now Rubicon has more than 300 in Jordan, the US, the Philippines, and the United Arab Emirates. Ayoubi can be an inspiration to women and girls everywhere, and a positive look at what the future of educating girls holds.

by Marianne