Russian Anti-Gay Attitudes

A recent survey of 1,600 residents across Russia shows that anti-gay attitudes are stronger than they were 8 years ago (when the survey was last conducted). Given the movie we watched, it is no shock that there are these strong negative attitudes in Russia. Disturbingly,

” Approximately 16 percent said they think gays should be isolated from society, while 22 percent said gays need compulsory treatment, 34 percent think homosexuality is a disease and 5 percent said gays should be eradicated. As for their feelings towards gay and lesbians, 50 percent of respondents said they felt irritated and disgusted.”  (Emphasis is mine).

What I find most interesting/creepy is that in a country with such a diverse history, a country that once rivaled the US for status as the world’s leading super power, there are people that still think eliminating an entire category of people from society is in any way an option!!

In looking at the website for the original survey ( <– google may need to translate this website from Russian for you) there were lots of interesting questions asked. I was not surprised that most people (86%) answered ‘No’ to the question that translates “Does any of you know gay or lesbian?”

I think this is (yet) another case where education could greatly benefit the population!!