Rainbow flag painted on house across from Westboro Baptist Church

 Planting Peace: A non-profit organization painted the colors of the rainbow flag across from the Westboro Baptist Church. IMAGE

A non-profit group, Planting Peace, bought a house across from a church in Topeka Kansas and painted it rainbow colors. It is said to be the “Equality House”. The church, Westboro Baptist, is known for being an anti-gay church that is radical with it’s beliefs. They have been known to carry around signs that says “God hates Fags,” among other things. So far, the house has been welcomed by those in the community including the pastor’s daughter who said that the house was beautifully colored. What are your thoughts? Do you think that this will help bring acceptance into the community or create a bigger divide?

Rainbow flag painted on house across from Westboro Baptist Church

-Latoya Alston